Ionic SDK

With Huggy Mobile SDK you can integrate the Huggy Chat into your Ionic app for Android and iOS platforms. The chat interface will be the same as configured on your Huggy Panel.

With this SDK you will only need to add a couple of lines to get your chat working on mobile.

One example of who use the package can be find on Example

Getting Started

Installing the Ionic plugin

To install the plugin on Ionic/Cordova project run the following command:

ionic cordova plugin add @huggyhq/huggychat


To install in some cordova project:

cordova plugin add @huggy/huggychat

Using in your project

This plugin map the Huggy SDK calls of Android and iOS to make easy to use then on Ionic/Cordova applications through Javascript calls.

The plugin are responsible for initialize the screen who contains the Huggy Chat by mapping the Huggy SDK calls of Android and iOS to make easy to use they on Ionic/Cordova applications through Javascript call.

The following functions are available to use:

Name Platform Description
openHuggyChat Android/iOS Open native screen who contains the Huggy Chat
handleNotification Android Set the context of application and enable the SDK to receive notifications
notify Android Push a new notification to the user
notifyAppInForeground Android Enable the SDK to show notifications when the app is opened
notNotifyAppInForeground Android Disable the SDK to show notifications when the app is opened

Importing the plugin

To import the plugin just globally declare the cordova variable:

declare cordova var;

Launch the Huggy Chat Screen

When you desire to call the Huggy Chat you must call the following function

cordova.plugins.huggychat.openHuggyChat(SDK_ID, this.success, this.failure);

Subscribing for notifications - Only Android

To be able to receive notifications of new Agent messages you have to call the notification handle

cordova.plugins.huggychat.handleNotification(this.success, this.failure);

Also, you're will need to set default values to customize the icon of notifications.

Add this lines inside the application tag to set the notifications icon:

<meta-data android:name="io.huggy.chatsdk.notification_icon" android:resource="@mipmap/your_icon_notification" />

To merge this line with the default manifest of Android app, go to your config.xml and add theses line

<config-file parent="/manifest/application" target="AndroidManifest.xml" xmlns:android="">
    <meta-data android:name="io.huggy.chatsdk.notification_icon" android:resource="@mipmap/ic_launcher" />